Xiting reduces 2019 CO2 emissions compared to previous year

Also for 2019, Xiting has carried out a precisely calculated emission compensation on behalf of all employees at all Xiting locations. Compared to the previous year 2018, Xiting was able to reduce emissions by 250 tons and has planted 5,750 trees on the YucatƔn Peninsula (Mexico) as part of the Plant-for-the-Planet initiative.

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On our website, you can find out in detail about our corporate social responsibility in terms of climate protection, as we are committed to actively shaping and raising awareness of this issue. There you will also find the Xiting tree counter, which allows you to donate and plant trees yourself easily with Plant-for-the-Planet.

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We are constantly expanding the exchange with our customers and partners in this area. Are you interested in learning more about this or would you simply like to support us in these projects? Then please contact [email protected].

About Plant-for-the-Planet

The children and youth initiative Plant-for-the-Planet was launched in January 2007. The goal of the children and youth initiative is to plant 1,000 billion trees worldwide. Trees are the cheapest and most effective means of binding CO2 and thereby mitigating the climate crisis. This has now been proven for the first time by a scientific study.

In 2011, the United Nations Environment Programme, UNEP for short, handed over the traditional Billion Tree Campaign to Plant-for-the-Planet – and with it the official World Tree Counter. In keeping with the ambitious goal of children, Plant-for-the-Planet has now declared the Trillion Tree Campaign.

So far 13.6 billion trees have already been planted in 193 countries with the help of many adults and reported to the tree counter. On the YucatĆ”n Peninsula in Mexico, Plant-for-the-Planet plants a new tree every 15 seconds. The planting project shows how easy it is to efficiently plant trees on a large scale. With its own products (e.g. Die Gute Schokolade, test winner at Stiftung Warentest) and campaigns (e.g. “Stop talking. Start planting.”), the initiative plants trees itself and motivates people to plant them. At academies, children train each other to become ambassadors for climate justice – over 88,000 children and young people from 74 countries are already involved!

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Julia Sterr