New infographic

The top 50 sap security tables
In this download, you will find a comprehensive overview of the most important SAP Security tables. To access them, simply fill out the form depicted on the right, download the table, and enhance your workflow.

SAP Cloud Identity Services: Best Practices & Use Cases
In our new e-book, we provide a concise overview of SAP Cloud Identity Services, including common use cases and Xiting best practices. Don't let identity and access management slow you down. Optimize your systems with SAP Cloud Identity Services!

Connecting SAP Identity Authentication Service as a proxy to Azure AD using OpenID Connect
Our latest e-book deals with the integration of SAP Identity Authentication Service with your Azure Tenant. We outline this topic in more detail, specifically related to OpenID Connect. At the same time, we cover some basics, explain the functionality, and use cases of the most relevant standards like SAML 2.0, OAuth 2.0, and OpenID Connect. In addition, we provide you with a configuration guideline that provides a deeper insight and supports your identity federation setup between your SAP IAS and Azure tenants.

SAP Fiori Apps vs. Classic SAP Applications
Customers who have chosen SAP Fiori as their leading front-end technology can confirm from their own experience that deploying apps in the Fiori Launchpad is more time-consuming and laborious than authorizing transactions in SAPGui. For customers who are still facing this, we would like to use this article to provide appropriate explanations as to why this is the case.

SAP S/4HANA ā The Future of the SAP Product Range
Alexander Sambill, SAP Security Consultant at Xiting, has created a comprehensive overview around the topic of SAP S/4HANA, authorization migrations, SAP HANA and SAP Fiori. Download this e-book and get an overview of the new 4th generation product line and its features in the authorization context.

SAP Security Hardening ā Implement Security by Design and Zero Trust
In the age of cybercrime and the ever evolving loopholes it is of utmost importance to implement a zero trust strategy and security by design to effectively harden any IT system, including SAP. This whitepaper outlines the key points to get you started.

Xiting ā Security Solutions and Services
In this concise booklet, you will learn more about Xiting and the Xiting Authorizations Management Suite (XAMS). In the context of a bride range of use cases covered by the XAMS and its innovative tools you will also get answers to your SAP authorization challenges.

XAMS Freeware Tools
Enjoy the benefits of our XAMS freeware tools, which are a regular part of XAMS. With the User Locking and the RFC Stocktaker Tool, we offer you two applications with which you can sustainably improve the security of your SAP systems. Get our tools and convince yourself of the Xiting Authorizatons Management Suite (XAMS).