Authorization management

Ensuring Role Quality

Overview of Our Use Case

Quality Management for SAP Roles

Quality and compliance of SAP roles through comprehensive reports

Authorization management, with all its facets, is a dynamic process subject to constant change. New projects bring forth new requirements, necessitating a reassessment of authorizations. In the course of these activities, erroneous and incomplete implementations of new requirements can occur, leading to critical autorizations. Ensuring compliance and quality in roles is therefore crucial for sustainable authorization administration.

Our Use Case at a Glance


Comprehensive analysis capabilities: Over 100 reports on role quality, critical authorizations, critical combinations, and much more


Simple SU24 optimization based on system rules


Integrated into transport management and/or profile generator (PFCG): Prevention of non-compliant authorizations and immediate results.

Our solution

The Role Profiler in XAMS

Our Role Profiler is a powerful analysis tool with over 100 reports, allowing for the examination of SAP authorizations in terms of quality aspects and risks. This includes analyses of role quality, checks for critical authorizations and conflicts in segregation of duties (SoD), as well as reporting for HANA & S/4HANA and ST03N evaluations. Additionally, some SU24 optimization reports, based on system rules, support SU24 maintenance at the click of a button.

Integration into the SAP transport system prevents the transport of authorizations that do not meet the defined security and quality standards. In addition, checks for critical authorizations and segregation of duties risks can be integrated directly into the PFCG, making results available immediately after profile generation. This enables a long-term and sustainable alignment with the authorization concept as well as a continuous optimization process.

Your Contact

Nicole Wolderling
Head of Authorization Management

Our solution

Relevant XAMS Modules

Role Profiler

Verify your role design with new SAP authorizations and check the quality of the implemented authorization concept.

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