In complex, multi-layered, and multiple system landscapes, creating new users or roles is a significant challenge for any authorization or basis administrator. It is easy to lose track, as not only naming conventions need to be considered, but also a multitude of different functions for each user and their specific authorizations.
Mass creation and processing of users and roles.
Excel integration for simplied uploads and downloads.
Version database for tracking and restoring roles.
The Role Replicator enables the fast and mass administration of roles and users and offers additional convenience when processing large amounts of data thanks to the integrated upload and download functions via Excel.
The most popular functions include the mass creation of users and the mass editing of user master data including role assignments, the mass assignment of individual roles to composite roles and the mass deletion of roles, the mass maintenance of role descriptions and the mass maintenance of roles in different languages.
Other useful functions at role level include mass maintenance of role menus, mass (de)activation of authorizations and mass maintenance of authorization values. In addition, a version database for roles enables changes to be tracked and, if necessary, an older role status to be restored.