Featured Xpert Tip

How to mass add/remove transactions

In this Xpert tip, we show you how you can mass assign and remove transactions from multiple roles. Assigning and removing transactions from roles is a very time consuming task as there is no such function available in SAP standard.

We show you a solution that has been developed by Xiting that allows such changes in mass. We will demonstrate how we can remove transactions from multiple roles as well as assign a set of transactions to a set of roles.

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How to create and compare role version

In this Xpert tip, we show you how you can create and compare role versions in PFCG.

PFCG does not offer a ā€œrevertā€ or ā€œbackā€ button which allows you to undo your changes in case you made a mistake. With the role versioning functionality, you can compare and see changes to your authorization data. PFCG automatically creates a version each time you save the authorization data. A dedicated report allows you to see the details of the authorization data for each version, as well as compare two versions with each other.Ā 


In this Xpert tip, we show you how you can can use transaction STAUTHTRACE.