Security Wednesday International 2024 | Theme Day CSM (22. Mai - CSM) (EN)

22.5.202409:30 EDT1 Stunde

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Centralized Security Monitoring - How to get a quick overview to protect your systems

Attacks on SAP ERP systems are on the rise but are often not detected at all or only too late. How can such attacks be detected automatically, promptly and across system boundaries in order to initiate appropriate countermeasures in good time? The solution to this is offered by SIEM systems, which monitor software logs in real time and trigger an alarm when critical events occur, such as the assignment of critical authorization profiles. However, these systems are often not connected to SAP systems due to technical challenges. On the one hand, this presentation will show how you can get a system-wide overview of your current security configuration at the push of a button so that you can invest your time in securing your systems rather than analyzing them. We will also present the new standardized interface of the Xiting Authorizations Management Suite, which enables a connection between SAP systems and your SIEM system.

Speaker: Marc Spitzer

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