Secure Authentication and SAP Single Sign-On in hybrid SAP landscapes (EN)

4.8.202216:00 CEST1 Stunde

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Target Audience:
- SAP administrators & developers
- SAP Security Architects
- IT managers and security officers (CIO/CISO).

In our webinar, we take a look at common SSO technologies in the SAP environment and focus on hybrid SAP landscapes, as the integration of SAP BTP and SaaS applications are currently important topics. We show which requirements today's SAP companies have to face in order to continuously ensure secure and compliant authentication.

SAP® Single Sign-On 3.0 and SAP® Cloud Identity Services are the two solutions SAP provides for secure authentication and SSO in the hybrid environment. We will compare both tools and round off the webinar with practical experiences, updates and short live demos.

Attendees will also get more information on our cloud security services in the area of authentication. The discussion session that will take place afterwards will give participants the opportunity to discuss their questions directly with our experts.

- SSO basics and benefits
- Information and updates in the area of Identity Services
- Challenges and solutions in the context of PaaS & SaaS
- Building blocks of an SAP Identity & Access Management infrastructure
- Possibilities to implement SSO/MFA and ID federation in hybrid landscapes
- Information about our Cloud Security Services
- Q&A

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