Simplified management of authorization roles along the organizational structure with non-level and level fields (SP17 EN)

8.7.202216:00 CEST1 Stunde

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In this webinar you will learn to what extent the new Service Pack 17 of XAMS further simplifies the handling of organizational levels and similar features. The SAP-specific organizational structure consisting of company codes, creations, etc. can be mapped in XAMS using the Role Replicator. Based on this, it is possible to derive roles according to your organizational structure.

At times, however, it can happen that individual fields in authorization objects are not categorized as organizational level, but still differ in their value specific to each organization. With XAMS SP17, non-organization level fields can also be taken into account in this context.

In this webinar you will learn…
• how to create mass standard-compliant roles along your organizational structure.
• how to insert non-level fields, such as the company area PERSA.
• how to flexibly and easily align the organization sets according to your business needs.

This webinar presents one of three use cases on the occasion of the new XAMS release SP17.

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